本帖最后由 贸学长 于 2020-2-13 15:20 编辑
2009年,尽管受到国际金融危机影响,中瑞双边贸易额总体下降,但在中国扩大内需、促进经济增长政策的拉动下,中国从瑞士进口降幅只有2.6%,明显低于中国向瑞士出口32%的降幅。这既满足了中国市场需求,又扩大了瑞士商品出口。在世界经济衰退的大背景下,中瑞经贸合作平稳发展,是双方共同反对贸易保护主义的结果,也说明两国经济具有很强的互补性。我们对中瑞经贸关系的未来充满信心。 In 2009, the bilateral trade volume betweenChina and Switzerland declined on the whole as a result of the global financialcrisis, but with China’s domestic economic stimulus policy in place tostimulate the domestic consumption and boost the economic growth, China’simports from Switzerland decreased by only 2.6 percent, which is a slight dropcompared with the 32 percent slump in China’s exports to Switzerland. The tradebetween the two countries not only met China’s market needs, but also expandedSwiss exports. At the time of the world economic downturn, the stabledevelopment of China-Switzerland trade, which shows that the two economies arehighly complementary to each other, is the outcome of the two sides jointlycombating trade protectionism.
过去一年,面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,中国政府及时果断决策,全面实施保持经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,在较短时间里实现了经济回升向好。国内生产总值增长8.7%,好于年初预期,居民收入较快增长。这些成效是在外需大幅减少的情况下,主要依靠扩大内需取得的。但当前世界经济复苏的基础仍然脆弱,国内经济运行还存在一些不确定因素,需要统筹国际国内两个大局谋划因应之策。 In the past year, confronted with theserious impact of the international financial crisis, the Chinese governmenthas taken timely and resolute steps to curb the crisis, comprehensivelyimplementing a stimulus package to maintain a fast and stable economicdevelopment, thus achieving the economic upturn in a short period of time. China’sGDP last year increased 8.7 percent year on year, with its residents’ incomerising fast. The above achievement, which was made when our exportssubstantially decreased, should be attributed to the expansion of our domesticdemands. At the moment, globally the basis for the economic recovery, however,is still fragile as a whole, and domestically some uncertain factors areweighing on our economic operations, a situation that calls forinternationally-coordinated efforts to cope with.
中国政府在实现大幅度节能减排的情况下,提出了到2020年的自主行动目标。瑞士等欧洲国家拥有先进的节能环保技术,绿色经济、循环经济、低碳经济发展走在世界前面。我们应加强新能源和节能环保领域的研发合作,使其成为发展双方经贸关系的新亮点。 The Chinese government set up its own 2020target on energy preservation and pollution reduction after it had made muchheadway in this regard. European countries such as Switzerland are advanced intechnologies of energy preservation and environmental protection, leading theworld in the fields of green economy, circular economy, and low carbon economy.We ought to strengthen cooperation in R&D in these fields, cooperation thatis to become a new highlight of our bilateral trade.
双方应加强中小企业在科技研发、信息网络、文化创意、工业设计、市场营销和品牌创立方面的合作,进一步发挥中欧中小企业政策对话、中瑞合作基金等机制作用,在资金融通、技术转让、市场共享、人力资源开发上相互支持。 Small-or medium-sized enterprises of the twocountries should enhance collaboration in scientific and technological R&Din general, and in information networks, creative & cultural design,industrial design, marketing management, and innovative development of highlycompetitive products in particular. In addition, the two sides should bringinto full play these enterprises’ dialogue mechanism, and China-SwitzerlandCooperative Fund, being supportive of each other in financing, technologytransfer, market pooling, and human resources development.
在东方文化中,60年被称为一甲子,象征着一个新的开始。今天在座各位都是瑞士经济企业界的领军人物,中瑞两国深化经贸合作有待于你们来实现。我深信,只要大家在新的发展起点上把握机遇,凝聚共识,务实行动,中瑞经贸合作一定能够迎来更加美好的明天! In oriental culture, 60 years is known asJiazi in mandarin, symbolizing a fresh beginning. Today, present at the meetingare personages in Switzerland’s economic and industrial sectors, and thereforeyou are in a position to forge closer cooperative ties in economy and in tradebetween China and Switzerland. So long as we seize the opportunity and worktogether in a down-to-earth manner, I firmly believe that the cooperation betweenour two nations will enjoy an ever brighter future!