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[资料下载] 汉英口译实践:国有企业改革

发表于 2020-2-7 17:20:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 贸学长 于 2020-2-13 15:16 编辑

  We are fully aware that there are still quite a few problems in oureconomic development. For example, some state-owned enterprises areexperiencing difficulties in production and business operation, which has ledto increased unemployment and poor economic profits.
  The reform of state-owned enterprises is considered the principle taskof China’s current economic restructuring endeavor. It is proposed that withinabout three years, through reform, reorganization, upgrading and improvedmanagement, most of the large and medium-sized state owned loss-makingenterprises should have been extricated from their predicament, and a modernenterprises system in the bulk of large and medium-sized state-owned heyenterprises should have been establishes initially by the end of the century.
  国有企业改革的指导思想和基本任务如下:第一,把国有企业改革作为经济体制改革的中心环节,以建立现代企业制度为方向,切实转换企业经营机制。第二, “抓大放小”, 对国有企业进行战略性改组。第三, 探索和发展公有制的多种实现形式。第四,把改革同改组、改造、加强管理结合起来。第五,鼓励兼并、规范破产、下岗分流、减员增效和实施再就业工程。第六,推进以建立社会保障制度为重点的配套改革。
  The following constitutes the guidelines and basic tasks for thereform of state-owned enterprises: First, we should take the reform ofstate-owned enterprises as the pivotal point in economic restructuring, andstrive to change their operating mechanism, with the establishment of a modernenterprises system as our orientation. Second, we should carry out a strategicreorganization of state-owned enterprises by learning to manage largeenterprises well while relaxing control over small ones. Third, we shouldexplore various forms for realizing public ownership. Fourth, we should combineour efforts to reform enterprises with efforts to reorganize, upgrade andexercise more effective management of them. Fifth, we should encourage mergers,standardize bankruptcy procedures, redirect laid-off workers, increaseefficiency by reducing redundant staff and implement re-employment programs.Sixth, we should promote supportive reforms focusing on the establishment of asocial security system.
  In important industries and priority fields, the establishment oflarge enterprise groups should be encouraged in order to increase theircompetitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets. In boosting enterprisegroups, we should persist in taking the market as our orientation, breakdepartmental, regional and ownership barriers, and support association betweenstrong enterprises so that they will take advantage of each other’s strengths.In accelerating the reorganization and readjustment of state-owned enterprises,we should encourage strong enterprises to merge with difficulty-ridden ones soas to make more efficient use of resources. We should declare bankrupt accordingto regulations those loss-making enterprises whose long-time difficultsituation is unlikely to end. Government at all levels should be concernedabout and support the effort of redirecting surplus employees of enterprises toimprove business efficiency.
  Reform will take place actively and steadily in matters concerningthe establishment of the joint share system and the joint stock cooperativesystem. We shall corporatize large and medium-sized enterprises in a standardway where conditions permit, allowing some enterprises to be listed and issuestocks in accordance with market conditions. In the reform of enterprises, weshall overhaul their operational procedures, separate government functions fromenterprise management, and delineate the rights and responsibilities of thestate and enterprises. Meanwhile, we should improve the internal managementsystem and prevent the devaluation of state assets. We should accelerate thepace of relaxing control over small state-owned enterprises and invigoratingthem by way of reorganization, association, merging, leasing, contractoperation, the joint stock cooperative system and sell-off. We should make surethat the right to independent operation is delegated to small enterprises sothat they can be responsible for their own profits and losses and adaptthemselves to the market in a more flexible way.
  The management of enterprises should change their outdated way of thinkingso that production, operation and internal management can meet the needs of themarket. At any time, importance must be attached to the work of speeding uptechnological progress and developing new products. We must readjust theproduct mix on a regular basis, improve marketing and after-sale services,reduce production cost and upgrade quality, so as to become strongercompetitors in the market.


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