秋祭 郑愁予
夜静,山谷便合拢了 不闻妇女的鼓声,因猎人已赋归 月升后,猎人便醉了 便是仰望的祭司 看圣殿的檐 正沾着秋,零零落落如露滴
而檐下,木的祭坛抖着 裸羊被茅草胡乱盖着 如细致的喘息样的 是酒后的雉与飞鼠的游魂 正自灶中 走出
Autumn Sacrifice Cheng Ch’ou-yü
Night stills down: valleys close up. No more women’s drumming of shuttles because hunters have returned. After the moon has risen, hunters get drunk And become priests looking up To the eaves of the sanctuary Autumn-tainted, scattering like dewdrops.
Beneath the eaves, wooden altars tremble. Naked sheep are covered slovenly with grass. Like delicate throbbing, Wandering spirits of drunk pheasants and bats Doltishly come out from the kitchen range.
(Wai-Lim Yip 译)