election 选举 cast a ballot 投票 count of votes 计票 polling day 投票日 ballot box 投票箱 electoral procedures 选举程序 midterm election 中期选举 election meeting / electoral meeting 选举大会 election regulation 选举规则 voter / elector 选民 primary election 初选 general election 普选 runoff 决定性竞选 be elected 当选 protest vote 投抗议票 single member district 单一席位选区 platform 政纲 independent Registered 独立选民 individual vote 个人投票 open vote 公开投票 eligible voter 合格选民 alternate candidate 候补者 candidate 候选人 slate 候选人名单 right to be elected 被选举权 by-election (UK) / supplementary election (US) 补缺选举 secret vote / anonymous ballot 不记名投票 competitive election 差额选举 differential voting 差额投票 single-candidate election 等额选举 abstention from voting 弃权不投票 state one’s political views 发表政见 due course of law 法定程序 quorum 法定人数 invalid vote / voided ballot 废票 veto power 否决权 re-election 改选 disclosed ballot 记名投票 decisive vote 决定性票 ballot examiner 监票员 soliciting votes 拉票 unknown elected nominee (dark horse) 冷门当选者;黑马 lose an election / be voted out 落选 public opinion poll 民意测验 exit poll 投票后民调 nominate 提名 nominator 提名者 front runner 领先者 campaigning 在选举期间一连串的演讲、集会、旨在吸引选票的活动 floating voter 浮动选民(即还未决定投谁的票的选民) manifesto 竞选纲领 caucus 核心会议 Conservative 保守派 debate 辩论 divided government 分治的政府 Federal Election Campaign Act(FECA) 联邦竞选法 front loading 前期吃重 gender gap 性别差异 ballot initiative 公民投票 battleground states 战场州 bell shepherd state 领头州 beltway 环形公路 Bill of Rights 权利法案 Blue state 蓝色州 brokered convention 讨价还价会议 buckley vs Valeo 跋克雷对韦里欧案件 coattails 燕尾提举力 convention bounce 会后弹升 Capitol 国会大厦 congress 国会 commander in chief 三军统帅 Constitution 美利坚合众国宪法 Donkey, Democratic 驴,民主党 Grand Old Party (GOP) 大老党 hanging / pregnant chad 悬挂式/孕妇式孔芯 home stretch 冲刺阶段 House of Representatives (The House) 众议院 House majority leader 众议院多数派领袖 House minority Leader 众议院少数派领袖 landslide victory 压倒性胜利 joint chiefs of staff 参谋长联席会议 mudslinging 揭发隐私 McCain-Feingold 麦凯恩-法因戈尔德法案 national convention 全国党代表大会 neck and neck 支持率不分上下 medicare 联邦医疗保险项目 lame duck 任期将满而又不能重新当选的官员,尤指第二任期行将结束的总统 |