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[交流讨论] 求“What WTO Accession Means to China”的参考译文及以下翻译问题

发表于 2015-11-12 16:33:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The decision to join the WTO, and to accept the disciplines and rules that lie at its heart, is the latest important step enabling China to navigate globalization’s currents.

navigate 的翻译?参考译文是“顺应”而不是“引领,引导”】
2.  It needs to allow companies engaged in telecommunications, computer services, banking, securities, insurance, freight forwarding, and wholesale and retail distribution to invest in China, providing services of value and spurring domestic competition.
【这句话里主要是companies engaged in……的翻译怎么翻译更好?参考译文是“……允许外国公司投资于中国……”而不是“允许从事……的公司到中国投资……”这两种翻译的侧重点是不是不一样?求解

Our goal now should be to work together to assure that China’s commitments are implemented faithfully and on schedule, and to assure that China, in turn, can utilize WTO rules to prevent other countries from closing their markets unfairly to Chinese goods. I want to repeat a key phrase – we should work together. Implementation of China’s commitments will not always be easy. While some changes can be achieved by simple fiat or decree, many others will require a multitude of decisions, adjustments, and technical knowledge. When problems arise, as they will, my preferred method will be to consult, to try to understand the Chinese perspective, and to make suggestions on how to proceed in securing implementation of China’s commitments. The United States and China also should work together on the future global trade negotiations launched in Doha last November – at the same historic meeting that admitted China to the WTO. The reduction in tariffs and elimination of non–tariff barriers brought about by the Kennedy, Tokyo, and Uruguay Rounds in the GATT – the precursor to the WTO – have underpinned and stimulated world economic growth in the last four decades. We need further bold steps to open markets for agricultural products, manufactured goods, and services that bring similar benefits in the years to come. China has much to show the world about the value of economic openness, of conditions favorable to foreign investment, tariff reduction, and increased reliance on market discipline. Therefore, I hope China will be active in the global negotiations in persuading countries that have resisted reforms to follow this proven path to economic development.

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