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1.elimination [?,l?m?'ne??n] n. 1. 排除;除去,根除 2. 淘汰 2.folly ['fɑl?]n. 1. 愚蠢;愚笨 2. 蠢事,愚行;傻念头 3. 造价高而无用的怪异建筑物 3.humidifier [hju'm?d?,fa??]n. 1. 增湿器;湿润器 4.see-through ['si,θru]透明的 5.mesmerise:to spellbind; fascinate(迷住,吸引) 6.sashay:to move or walk in a showy way;parade(大摇大摆地走,神气地走) 7.crane:to stretch out one's neck, esp. tosee better(为了看得更清楚而探着身子,伸长脖子) 8.brunette: (of a person) having dark hairand, often, dark eyes and darkish or olive skin.(浅黑肤色的女人) 9.clothes horse: 讲究衣着的人,“衣架子” 10.OCUD(全称Obsessive Cellphone Use Disorder,手机过度使用症) 11.independent recruitment就是指“自主招生” 12.right of autonomy for enterprises(企业自主权) 13.foothold ['fut,hold]n. 1. 立足处,踏脚处 2. 据点,立足点;稳固的基础 14.deliver on,这个美国口语用词意为“实现” 15.syndicate ['s?nd?k?t]vt. 1. 把...组成企业联合组织 2. 通过供稿联合组织在报刊上同时发表 16.feline ['fila?n]a. 1. 猫科的 2. 像猫一样的;狡猾的 n. 1. 猫科动物 17.strip [str?p] (报纸等)连环漫画 18.pout [paut]vt. 1. 噘起(嘴唇等) 2. 噘着嘴说 19.a dash of: 一点儿,少许 20.inextricably: if two things areinextricably linked, etc., it is impossible to separate them(不可分开地;密不可分地 21.超国民待遇:super-national treatment 22.resold apartment(二手房) 23.plot ratio(容积率) 24.passenger flow peak(客流高峰) 25.ticket scalper(票贩子 26.网络实名制Network Real-name System(NRS) 27.与国际惯例接轨 become compatible with internationally accepted practices 28.parity ['p?r?t?]n. 1. 同等; 类似; 相同 2. (两个敌对国家的) 势均力敌 3. 【商】平价 29.conglomeration [k?n,glɑm?'re??n].混合合并 2.联合大企业,跨行业公司 3.团块 4.堆集 5.聚结 30.减肥药 slimming drug; weight-loss drug 31.购买力平价 purchasing power parity 32.农家乐agritainment;agri-tourism 33.积分制 point redemption scheme 34.coefficients系数 35.考勤机attendance machine 36.a prenuptial agreement(婚前协议 37.on par with 看齐 ...与.一样... 38.shellacking: an utter defeat(彻底击败) 39.strut: to walk in a pompous manner;swagger(趾高气扬地走,高视阔步) 40.an all-expenses-paid trip 免费游 41.brine [bra?n]n. 1. 浓盐水,卤水 2. 海水;海;洋[the S] vt. 1. 用浓盐水处理(或浸泡) 42.understudy ['?nd?,st?d?]vt. 1. 学习(某角色)以充当替角;练习代演(某角色) 2. 通过观察(或实习等)掌握(... n. 1. 预备演员,替角 2. 替工,替补者 43.season best指的是“赛季最佳成绩或纪录” 44.deposit-reserve ratio(存款准备金率) 45.lending quota就是指“贷款额度” 46.electoral quota(当选商数)就指的是当选人当选所应获的票数的最少百分比数。 47.serve temporary positions指的就是“挂职” 48.Bucket list(暂译为“人生目标清单”) 49.待命假日(on-call holiday 50.Open-collar worker(字面意思为“开领工人”)指把家当办公室,在家里上班的人,即“自由职业者” 51.side dishes: 配菜 52.searing ['s?r??]a. 1. (用作定语)烧灼的;灼痛的;剧烈的;尖刻的 53.uninitiated: people who have no specialknowledge or experience of something 无专门知识(或经验)的人;门外汉;外行 54.literally: used to emphasize the truthof something that may seem surprising (强调事实可能令人惊讶)真正地,确实地 55.rule of thumb: 经验法则 56.community: common ownership orparticipation(共享,共有 57.final word (on sth.): (对某事的)最后意见,最后决定 58.motor vehicle theft汽车偷盗 59. took things too hard想不开 60.跑调儿”。英语常用 can't carry a tune/to fail to carry a tune来表示 61.sprightly ['spra?tl?]a. 1. 生气勃勃的;活泼的;轻快的 ad. 1. 生气勃勃地;活泼地;轻快地 62.centenarian [,s?nt?'n?r??n]n. 1. 百岁的人 a. 1. 百岁的 63.barge [bɑrd?]n. 1. 驳船,大型平底船 2. (仪式用的)大型游艇 3. (旗舰将官的)专用艇 vi. 1. 笨重缓慢地移动[(+about/around)] 2. (鲁莽而笨拙地)猛撞;冲,闯 vt. 1. 用驳船运载 2. (鲁莽而笨拙地)闯出[O] 64.gush [g??]vi. 1. 喷,涌,(眼泪等)涌流 2. 滔滔地说话(或写);过分动情;装腔作势[(+over/ab... vt. 1. 使喷出,使涌出,使直流 2. 滔滔地说;装腔作势地说 n. 1. 喷,涌流;喷出(或涌出)之物[(+of)] 2. 迸发;发作[(+of)] 3. 滔滔不绝的讲... 65.plume [plum].羽毛 2.羽流烟羽 3.缕缕污水 4.蒸汽喷嘴 5.烟缕; 烟羽 66.containment [k?n'tenm?nt]n. 1. 包含;封锁;围堵;阻遏 2. 【军】牵制 3. 遏制政策 67.foist [f??st]vt. 1. 采用欺骗手段出售 2. 偷偷加进;使混入;把...强加(于) 68."a grain of salt" or "apinch of salt" means to accept it but to maintain a degree of skepticismabout its truth 69.notary public: public official, usuallya solicitor, who is legally authorized to administer oaths, attest and certifycertain documents, etc.(公证人) 70.slap on: 强制实行,强迫某人做 71.元老old head 72.弱势群体vulnerable groups 73.cyber opinions网络民意 74.information asymmetry信息不对称 75.群体无聊group boredom 76.vested interest groups既得利益集团,也可以表示“特权阶层” 77.prosecution [,prɑs?'kju??n]n. 1. 起诉,告发;检举 2. 原告及其律师 78.mutual property共同财产;personal assets(个人财产) 79.psychometric test心理测试 80.embellish [?m'b?l??]vt. 1. 美化;装饰 81.the other way round 反过来 82.generic [d??'n?r?k]1.泛化的、一般化的、通用的 2.泛指 3.属的,类的,一般的 4.共有,一般的 83.one-to-one basis 一对一原则 84.handy ['h?nd?] 1.快捷 2.唾手可得的,手边的 3.便利的 4.灵巧的;方便的 5.便携的 85.boiler锅炉 86.reticent:['retis?nt]a. 1.无言的;沉默的2.谨慎的;抑制的 87.obligation债务 88.psychopath:['saik?up?θ]n. 精神病患者 89.venture capital 风险资本;private equity company私人股本公司 90.advisory leader咨询服务主管 91.cleantech清洁技术 92.The Chinese solar industry is also fastbecoming of great importance in the global marketplace中国太阳能行业也正迅速成为全球市场上的重要力量。 93.attractiveness indices吸引力指数 94.repercussion [,rip?'k???n]n. 1. 弹回;反冲 2. 反响;反射 3. (常复数)后果;影响 95.burgeoning ['b?d??n??]a. 1. 增长迅速的,发展很快的 burgeoning investment in clean technology 96.real time information 实时信息 97.contacts 线人 98.the US Securities and ExchangeCommission美国证交会(SEC) 99.a criminal complaint刑事起诉书 100.trial date 开审日 101.regulator监管人员 102.subpoena [s?b'pin?]n. 1. 传票 vt. 1. 传唤;传讯 103.rein in rampant market manipulation 遏制猖獗的市场操纵现象 104.pronouncement [pr?'naunsm?nt]n. 1. 宣言;公告 2. 看法;决定 105.short stocks做空股票 106.can count 。。。 on their fingers and toes屈指可数 107.opaque [o'pek] a. 1. 不透明的,不透光的 108.profligate ['prɑfl?g?t]a. 1. 放荡的;浪费的 109.absolve [?b'sɑlv]vt. 1. 使免除(责任、义务等)[(+from/of)] 2. 宽恕,使免受罚[(+from/of)] 110.expansive [?k'sp?ns?v]a. 1. 扩张的;膨胀的 2. 广阔的;辽阔的;广泛的 3.about 坦率的;豪爽的;健谈的 111.recrimination [r?,kr?m?'ne??n]n. 1. 反责;反控 112. high-specification engineeringequipment 高规格的工程设备 113.human flesh search人肉搜索 114.价格违法行为 price violation 115.collusion(相互串通) 116.spreading of false information(散布虚假信息) 117.giving subsidies to low-income families(向低收入家庭发放补贴 118.clamp down on speculation(严厉打击投机行为) 119.永不退休的人 nevertiree 120.n. 1. 纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念活动[(+to)] 2. 记录;编年史 3. 陈情书,请愿... a. 1. 纪念的;追悼的;记忆的 121.HIV sufferers 艾滋病患者 122.high-risk group 高危群体 123.clinic study 临床研究 124.blood collection 采血 125.chops:做某事的本领,能力 126.better off (doing sth.): in a morefavorable situation or circumstances(景况较佳) 127.thin on the ground: 为数不多,稀少 128.上下班“打卡”就可以用punch the clock来表示 129.buy out: 买断…的股份;买下…的全部股权 130.pull the plug on someone/something则用来指“阻止;制止;终止” 131.cash infusion: 资金注入 132.do the math: 你好好算算 133.tax refund 退税 134.cyberphilia(电脑癖) 135.fetishism(恋物癖) 136.mysophobia(洁癖) 137.unsecured debt无抵押债务 138.overdraft:透支 139.tell-tale:泄密的,搬弄是非的 140.headwind逆风 141.demographer人口学家 142.mull [m?l] vi. 1. 深思熟虑 vt. 1. 弄糟 2. 使醉 3. 仔细考虑 4. 弄碎 143.purveyor [p?'ve?]n. 1. 伙食承包人 2. (货物、服务、消息等的)提供者,供应者 144.slander ['sl?nd?]n. 1. 诽谤,诋毁,造谣中伤 2. (口头)诽谤罪 vt. 1. 诽谤,诋毁,造谣中伤 145.trump赢;胜过;打败 146.lightning rod:a person or thing that attractscriticism, especially if the criticism is then not directed atsomebody/something else 引火烧身的人(或事) 147.a high-rise district高层建筑区 148.first-tier city(一线城市) 149.prefabricated house(活动板房) 150.ant tribe(蚁族) 151.“宅男”(indoorsman) 152.amorphous [?'m?rf?s] a. 1. 无定形的 2. 非结晶形的 3. 无组织的;乱七八糟的;难以归类的 153.fume [fjum] n. 1. (有害,浓烈,或难闻的)烟,气,汽 2. 愤怒;烦恼 vi. 1. 冒烟(或气,汽);(烟,汽等)冒出 2. 发怒;怒气冲冲地说话[(+at/over)] vt. 1. (用香)薰;烟薰;薰(木材等) 2. 冒出(烟,汽等) 3. 愤怒地说(话) 154.hardy 1.耐寒的、强壮的 155.backlash ['b?k,l??]n. 1. 反冲,反撞 2. 强烈反应;强烈反对 3. 后座力 156.backroom ['b?k,rum] a. 1. 【口】不公开的 157.用rebate,rake-off,或者turn commission来表示“回扣” 158.codify ['k?difai] vt. 编成法典,使法律成文化 159.disconcerting adj.令人不安的, 令人惊惶的 160.verdict ['v?:dikt] n. 裁决,判决,判断,定论,结论 161.rationale [r??i?'nɑ:li] n. 基本原理 162.SAR: Special Administration Region特别行政区 163.contentious [k?n'ten??s] a. 好争吵的,爱争论的,有异议的 164.“自首”还可以用to give oneself up; to confess one's crime; to surrender oneself to来表达。 165.year-end bonus即“年终奖 166.double pay rule(双薪制) 167.base pay(基本工资) 168.merit pay(绩效工资) 169.festival bonus(过节费) 170.mid-air collision(空中事故) 171.low-altitude airspace(低空空域) 172.economic growth engine(经济增长引擎) 173.经济合作与发展组织(OECD) 174.bring up the rear: to be at the back ofa line of people, or last in a race (站在队尾;落在最后 175.svelte: (of a person, especially awoman) thin in a graceful and attractive way (人,尤指女子)苗条的
176.whopping: very big(巨大的;很大的) 177.gaffe: a social blunder; faux pas(出丑,失态) 178.penultimate: next to the last(倒数第二的) 179.embroil: to bring into discord orconflict; involve in contention or strife(卷入,牵连) 180.flustered: 忙乱的 181.not lift a finger: 一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶 182.have a go at sth./doing sth.: 试一下(某事/做某事) 183.gear up: to make or get ready for afuture event or situation(为……做好准备,促进) 184.meandering: 闲聊,漫话 185.placeholder: 预留位置,占位符 186.incidence: the rate or range ofoccurrence or influence of something, esp. of something unwanted(发病率) 187.wireless carriers无线运营商 188.wired headset 有线耳机 189.网络推手 Internet marketer 190.cyberslacking(网络摸鱼) 191.“工伤保险”就是work-related injury insurance 192.work-related disability(因工致残) 193.年底大家的year-end bonus(年终奖)一般与业绩相关,属于performance-related pay。 194.per capita disposable annual income就是“人均可支配收入”,“可支配净收入”也可以说成disposablenet income。 195.家庭寄养 family foster care 196.biological parents(生父母) 197.foster parents(养父母 198.foundlings/abandoned baby(弃婴) 199.congenital disabilities(先天残疾) 200.招标采购 seek procurement tenders 201.prescription drugs(处方药) 202.投标(submission of tender) 203.“招标”invite bids/tenders或call for tenders 204.heads bobbing点头 205.wrestle with: 与……做斗争 206.rocky(困难的;难以维持的;不稳定的) 207.fashion photographer时尚摄影师 208.Warring States Period 战国时期 209.lacquer['l?k?] n.漆, 漆, 漆器 vt.用漆涂于...,使表面光泽 210.bronze tripod青铜三足鼎 211.加息周期 interest rate hike cycle 212.人才保障房 social security housing for talents 213.affordable housing(经济适用房) 214.保障性住房 indemnificatory housing 215.裸捐 all-out donation 216.eke out 1. (靠节省用量)使…的供应持久;节约使用2. 竭力维持生计;勉强度日 217.dummyn. 1. 人体模型 2. 仿制品 218.civil air defense shelters民用防空洞 219.contour['k?ntu?]n.周线, 轮廓(等高线, 电路,概要) vt.画轮廓(画等高线) adj.显示轮廓的 220.购房移民计划 property-for-residency scheme 221.mentor['ment?] n.指导者 vt.指导 222.to somebody/something's detriment: (结果)不利于,有害于,有损于 223.rhythmic有节奏的, 有韵律的rhythmicgymnast艺术体操选手 224.deride[di'raid] vt. 嘲弄, 挖苦 225.expropriation 没收, 征收 226.unreasonable deductions from paychecks就是“克扣工资” 227.delay paying wages(拖欠工资) 228.equal pay for equal work(同工同酬) 229.dresscode: 着装规范 230.房屋征收 house expropriation 231.hotpot additive就是“火锅添加剂” 232.地沟油 swill-cooked dirty oil 233.sofalizing(沙发社交)。 234.catch on: to become popular(受欢迎;流行起来;变得时髦) 235.hobo流浪汉 236.Tablet PC平板电脑 237.Breathing room也就是我们平时说的“喘息的空间,喘息余地” 238.conditions-based withdrawal就是指“有条件撤军” 239.pullout多指“全面撤军,全体撤出”而drawdown则表示“减少军队数量,逐渐撤出”。 240.“述职”一般用report on one's work 241.return visit(回访)goodwill visit(友好访问)。 242.heterosexual: 异性的,异性恋的 243.retaliatory duty/tariff(报复性关税 244.repeat offenders(累犯) 245.宽严相济 tempering justice with mercy 246.artistry ['ɑrt?str?]n. 1. 艺术性;艺术效果 2. 艺术才能;艺术技巧 3. 艺术作品 247.despicable ['d?sp?k?b!]a. 1. 可鄙的,卑劣的 248.家族式管理 family-run management 249.居家养老服务 home-based care services 250.irony-infused popularity戏剧性的大流行 251.dress-sense穿衣品味 Red Fire Danger Warning就是“红色火灾危险讯号”brand copycats就是“仿冒产品”, 价格垄断price-fixing 性侵犯 sexualassault workplace bully职场霸王 duty crimes(职务犯罪)。 听证会 publichearing “搭便车”,tohitchhike Political Bureau of the CPC CentralCommittee 中央政治局 Boost domestic demand 扩大内需 economic growth mode 经济增长方式 inclusive growth 包容性增长 Urbanization 推进城镇化 people first" principle 以人为本 sixth nationwide population census 第六次全国人口普查 household register 户口登记簿 NPG (negative population growth) 人口负增长 malicious slander 恶意诋毁 accident at work 操作事故 AIDS service organization (ASO)艾滋病服务组织 debit card 借记卡 get-well card 慰问卡 guest card 贵宾卡 fence-mending visit 修好访问 People's Liberation Army (PLA) 中国人民解放军 joint drill/exercises 联合军演 太空军备竞赛spacearms race 252.government-affiliated institutions事业单位 253.引起热烈讨论fierce debate raged 254.Circuseeing围观 256.medium-term and long-term financialplanning 中长期金融计划 257.mandatory provident fund,MPF强制性公积金 258.限购 property-purchasing limitations 259.返工忧郁症 back-to-work blues 260.暴力分拣 rough handling 261.one-night stand一夜情 262.under-age children(未成年人) 263.coercive measures(强制措施) 264.grave mistakes严重错误 265.joint letter 联名信 267.raised their vigilance levels提高警戒 268.take extra lessons补课 269.Stage fright or performance anxiety怯场 270. legal guardia合法监护人 271.公益广告 public service advertising 272.promotional films 宣传片 273.space module空间飞行器 274.推进器projectile 275.government work report 政府工作报告 276.the Great Hall of the People人民大会堂 277.adjust income distribution调整经济结构 278.accelerate economic restructuring 加快经济结构调整 279.favorable condition有利条件 280.director-general总干事 281.take precedence in 开先河 282. low-rent house廉租房 283.engine of the global economy(国际经济发展的引擎 284.diplomatic parlance(外交辞令 285.joint declaration(联合声明 286.“个人所得税起征点”可以表达为individual/personal income tax cutoff point/threshold。 287.学术评价体系 academic appraisal system 288.graduation appraisal(毕业鉴定 289.ear towards quick success and instantbenefit(急功近利) 290.minimum living security payment最低生活保障金 291.administrative oversight(行政监督) 292.deepest sympathies and heartfeltcondolences深切同情与沉重哀悼 293.beef up加强 294.rescue teams press on救援队奋勇前进 295.economic aggregate经济总量 296.give priority to developing优先发展 297.sustained growth稳定发展 298. the formation mechanism of the yuanexchange rate人民币汇率形成机制 299.counterfeiting and piracy(假冒和盗版 230.offending markets(违规企业) 231.edgy adj. 刀口锐利的, 尖利的, 急躁的 232.ripple through 波及 233.Hint fiction微小说 234.rolling blackout 轮流停电