个人主页: http://space.uibe.edu.cn/u1/chen
电子邮件:zhihong.chen@uibe.edu.cn, chenza@bc.edu
美国波士顿学院经济系博士 2005
美国波士顿学院经济系硕士 2001
南开大学数学学院统计与概率专业学士 1998
对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院教师 2005.8 至今
美国哥伦比亚大学经济系访问学者,2010.3 – 2010.6
美国波士顿学院经济系助研,助教, 授课教师 (Teaching Fellow) 2000.9-2005.5
高级计量经济学(博士,中文授课/ 国际博士,全英文授课)
计量经济学(本科,中文授课/ 本科留学生,全英文授课)
对外经济贸易大学王林生奖教金, 2011
Gregory Chow Best Student Paper Award, Chinese Economists Society (CES), US Conference in Atlanta, 2004
Boston College Graduate Student Fellowship, 2000-2005
Boston College Summer Dissertation Fellowship, 2004
国家自然科学基金项目“后危机时代应用高维数据预测宏观经济走势的研究 - 基于非线性动态因子模型的方法”,项目编号71101030,主持人;
“ Forecasting the Probability of US Recessions: A Probit and Dynamic Factor Modeling Approach” (2011), with Azhar Iqbal and Huiwen Lai, Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 44(2), 651-672
“Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality: Evidence from China”, (2011) with Ying Ge and Huiwen Lai, World Development, Volume 39(8), 1322-1332
"La Croissance Urbaine Chinoise Reconsidérée"(2008, in French), with Michel Dimou, Alexandra Schaffar, Shihe Fu,Région et Développement (26),P109-131
“Testing Multivariate Distributions in GARCH Models” (2008), with Jushan Bai, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 143, p19-36
“Measuring the Poverty Lines for Urban Households in China—An Equivalence Scale Method” (2006),China Economic Review, Volume 17(3), 239-252. ;
also appears in B. Fleisher, H. Li & S. Song (Eds.), Market Development in China : Spillovers, Growth, and Inequality (pp.3-24), Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Press
“宏观计量经济学的新发展-面板数据分析中的单位根与协整” (2008), 与白聚山,史树中合作,《西方人文社科前沿述评:经济学卷》(宋顺锋,潘佐红主编),中国人民大学出版社,2008年2月
“WTO对中国居民福利的影响” (2007), 《国际贸易问题》:问题与答案,2007年第2期,第6期
“Searching For The Parallel Growth of Cities”, with Shihe Fu and Dayong Zhang, under invited revision
“The Spatial and Temporal Diffusion of FDI in China”, with Ying Ge and Wenjiao Wang
— Chinese Economists Society (CES) Conference, Jul 2011, Beijing, China
"Forecasting US Recession: Probit and Dynamic Factor Modeling Approach", with Azhar Iqbal and Huiwen Lai
— International Symposium on Econometrics of Specification Tests in 30 Years, June 2010, Xiamen, China
—2008 Far Eastern and South Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Jul 2008, Singapore
“Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities”, with Shihe Fu
— 47th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, Sep 2007, Paris, France (presented by co-author)
“Dynamics of City Growth: Random or Deterministic? Evidence from China”, with Shihe Fu.
— AsRES - AREUEA International Conference, Jul 2006, Vancouver, Canada (presented by co-author)
— Chinese Economists Society (CES) Conference, Jul 2006, Shanghai, China
“Testing Multivariate Distributions”, with Jushan Bai.
— 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, Jul 2006, Beijing, China
— 2006 International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Application, Apr 2006, Xiamen, China
— European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop, Dec 2005, Santander, Spain (presented by co-author)
“Measuring the Poverty Line in China: —An Equivalence Scale Method”.
— Chinese Economists Society (CES) US Conference, Jul 2004, Atlanta, US
Review of Statistics and Economics, China Economic Review, the Econometrics Journal,Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies
南方经济,金融学季刊 |