amyma1991 发表于 2018-5-30 17:49:40


序言 本公约缔约各国,本着以互相谅解和合作的精神解决与海洋法有关的一切问题的愿望,并且认识到本公约对于维护和平、正义和全世界人民的进步作出重要贡献的历史意义,注意到自从一九五八年和一九六年在日内瓦举行了联合国海洋法会议以来的种种发展,着重指出了需要有一项新的可获一般接受的海洋法公约,意识到各海洋区域的种种问题都是彼此密切相关的,有必要作为一个整体来加以考虑,认识到有需要通过本公约,在妥为顾及所有国家主权的情形下,为海洋建立一种法律秩序,以便利国际交通和促进海洋的和平用途,海洋资源的公平而有效的利用,海洋生物资源的养护以及研究、保护和保全海洋环境,考虑到达成这些目标将有助于实现公正公平的国际经济秩序,这种秩序将照顾到全人类的利益和需要,特别是发展中国家的特殊利益和需要,不论其为沿海国或内陆国,希望以本公约发展一九七年十二月十七日第()号决议所载各项原则,联合国大会在该决议中庄严宣布,除其他外,国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底区域及其底土以及该区域的资源为人类的共同继承财产,其勘探与开发应为全人类的利益而进行,不论各国的地理位置如何,相信在本公约中所达成的海洋法的编纂和逐渐发展,将有助于按照《联合国宪章》所载的联合国的宗旨和原则巩固各国间符合正义和权利平等原则的和平、安全、合作和友好关系,并将促进全世界人民的经济和社会方面的进展,确认本公约未予规定的事项,应继续以一般国际法的规则和原则为准据,经协议如下:PREAMBLE The States Parties to this Convention, Prompted by the desire to settle, in a spirit of mutual understandingand co-operation, all issues relating to the law of the sea and awareof the historic significance of this Convention as an important contribution to the maintenance of peace, justice and progress for all the peoples of the world, 燦oting that developments since the United Nations Conferences on theLaw of the Sea held at Geneva in 1958 and 1960 have accentuated theneed for a new and generally acceptable Convention on the law of the sea, 燙onscious that the problems of ocean space are closely interrelated and need to be considered as a whole, 燫ecognising the desirability of establishing, through this Convention,with due regard for the sovereignty of all States, a legal order forthe seas and oceans which will facilitate international communication and will promote the peaceful uses of the seas and oceans, the equitableandefficient utilization oftheirresources,the conservation of their living resources and the study, protection and preservation of the marine environment, 燘earing in mind that the achievement of these goals w ill contribute to the realization of a just and equitable international economic order which takes into account the interests and needs of mankind as a wholeand, in particular, the special interests and needsof developing countries, whether coastal or land-locked, 燚esiring by this Convention to develop the principles embodied in resolution 2749 (XXV) of 17 December 1970 in which the General Assembly of the United Nations solemnly declared inter alia that the area of the sea-bed and ocean floor and the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, as well as its resources, are the common heritage of mankind, the exploration and exploitation of which shallbe carried out for the benefit of mankind as a whole, irrespective of the geographical location of States, 燘elieving that the codification and progressive development of the law of the sea achieved in this Convention will contribute to the strengthening of peace, security, co-operation and friendly relations among all nations in conformity with the principles of justice and equal rights and will promote the economic and social advancement of all peoples of the world, in accordance with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations as set forth in the Charter, 燗ffirming that matters not regulated by this Convention continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law, 燞ave agreed as follows:PART I INTRODUCTION 第一条用语和范围 .为本公约的目的: ⑴“‘区域’”是指国家管辖范围以外的海床和洋底及其底土。 ⑵“管理局”是指国际海底管理局。 ⑶“‘区域’内活动”是指勘探和开发“区域”的资源的一切活动。 ⑷“海洋环境的污染”是指:人类直接或间接把物质或能量引入海洋环境,其中包括河口湾,以致造成或可能造成损害生物资源和海洋生物、危害人类健康、妨碍包括捕鱼和海洋的其他正当用途在内的各种海洋活动、损坏海水使用质量和减损环境优美等有害影响。 ⑸()“倾倒”是指: ㈠从船只、飞机、平台或其他人造海上结构故意处置废物或其他物质的行为; ㈡故意处置船只、飞机、平台或其他人造海上结构的行为。 ()“倾倒”不包括: ㈠船只、飞机、平台或其他人造海上结构及其装备的正常操作所附带发生或产生的废物或其他物质的处置,但为了处置这种物质而操作的船只、飞机、平台或其他人造海上结构所运载或向其输送的废物或其他物质,或在这种船只、飞机、平台或结构上处理这种废物或其他物质所产生的废物或其他物质均除外; ㈡并非为了单纯处置物质而放置物质,但以这种放置不违反本公约的目的为限。 .⑴“缔约国”是指同意受本公约拘束而本公约对其生效的国家。 ⑵本公约比照适用于第三五条第款()、()、()、()和()项所指的实体,这些实体按照与各自有关的条件成为本公约的缔约国,在这种情况下,“缔约国”也指这些实体。



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