永夜的微尘 发表于 2012-12-3 19:35:29


Key quotes from Hu Jintao's report to CPC national congress2012十八大热词专题11月15日,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会新一届中共中央政治局常委在人民大会堂一楼东大厅与中外记者见面。以下为习*平讲话的中英文对照。中共中央总书记习*平:女士们,先生们,朋友们:大家好!让大家久等了,很高兴同各位记者朋友见面。昨天,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会胜利闭幕了。这些天来,各位记者朋友们对这次大会作了大量报道,向世界各国传递了许多“中国声音”。大家很敬业、很专业、很辛苦,在此,我代表十八大大会秘书处,向你们表示衷心的感谢。Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning. It's a great pleasure to meet you, friends from the press. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China came to a successful conclusion yesterday. During the past week, you have extensively covered the Party congress and let the world hear China's voice. On behalf of the secretariat of the 18th Party Congress, I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your professionalism, dedication and hard work.刚才,我们召开了中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第一次全体会议,会议上选举产生了新一届中央领导机构。全会选举产生了七位中央政治局常委,选举我担任中共中央总书记。接下来,我把其他6位常委同事向大家介绍一下。Just now, the 18th CPC Central Committee held its first plenary meeting and elected the new central leadership. The plenary meeting elected seven members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. I was elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee by the plenary session. I wish to introduce to you the other six newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.他们是:李*强同志、张*江同志、俞*声同志、刘*山同志、王*山同志、张*丽同志。李*强同志是十七届中央政治局常委,其他同志都是十七届中央政治局委员,大家对他们都比较了解。They are: comrade Li Keqiang, comrade Zhang Dejiang, comrade Yu Zhengsheng, comrade Liu Yunshan, comrade Wang Qishan and comrade Zhang Gaoli. Comrade Li Keqiang was a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee, and all the others were members of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee. I believe their names are familiar to you.在这里,我代表新一届中央领导机构成员,衷心感谢全党同志对我们的信任。我们一定不负重托,不辱使命!Here, on behalf of the members of the newly elected central leadership, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all other members of the Party for the great trust they have placed on us. We will strive to be worthy of their trust and fulfill our mission.全党同志的重托,全国各族人民的期望,这是对我们做好工作的巨大鼓舞,也是我们肩上沉沉的担子。We are greatly encouraged by both the trust all the comrades of the Party have placed on us and the great expectations the people of all ethnic groups in China have of us, and we are keenly aware that this is also an important responsibility for us.这个重大的责任,是对民族的责任。我们的民族是伟大的民族。在五千多年的文明发展历程中,中华民族为人类的文明进步作出了不可磨灭的贡献。近代以后,我们的民族历经磨难,中华民族到了最危险的时候。自那时以来,为了实现中华民族伟大复兴,无数仁人志士奋起抗争,但一次又一次地失败了。We have taken on this important responsibility for our nation. Ours is a great nation. Throughout more than 5,000 years of evolution as a civilization, the Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to the progress of human civilization.During the modern era (from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century), our nation underwent untold hardship and suffering, and its very survival hung in the balance. Since then, numerous Chinese patriots rose up one after another and fought for the renewal of the Chinese nation, but failed one time after another.

睡睡仍想眠 发表于 2012-12-4 13:08:07


gloriaxjy 发表于 2012-12-4 19:21:18


Mable1123 发表于 2012-12-7 15:18:02


东方紫萱 发表于 2012-12-7 20:50:46


永夜的微尘 发表于 2012-12-7 21:41:28

东方紫萱 发表于 2012-12-7 20:50 static/image/common/back.gif

人人网里 同学分享的热点很多 英语知识大部分都是从那里复制粘贴的

Vendic 发表于 2012-12-7 22:30:35


sulishinny 发表于 2012-12-7 23:14:36

多谢楼主分享 !

东方紫萱 发表于 2012-12-8 15:07:12

永夜的微尘 发表于 2012-12-7 21:41 static/image/common/back.gif
人人网里 同学分享的热点很多 英语知识大部分都是从那里复制粘贴的

哦 原来如此哇 谢谢 很久都没去人人了 我分享了个十八大全文中英对照 哈哈 China daily上的 需要可以看看

shwwendy 发表于 2012-12-8 17:30:37

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